Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey Haven't updated at all for ages! We are all still alive don't worry okay. Some has become sexier and some has become awesomer and some has become sexier+awesomer.
Why So Serious?
....this is the exceptional one.
Anyway, let's first lighten up the mood shall we?
You guys wanna hear a joke?
Bet that you do eh.
Ok so here's how it goes.
"Knock Knock."
"Who's there?

"It's me!!!"
"It's me who????"
"It's me with a white piece of paper!!!"
ok not funny at all i know shut up.
Caitlin: Holy Shit I'm too late....the door is open...
Wendy: Ngek ngek ngek
Cailtin: Omg damn imba woii she's ngek ngek ngek-ing!
Wendy: Ngek Ngek Ngek

Pay extra attention to matthew
"Ok, nobody moves a muscle. If it doesnt suspect any movement it might leave us alone."- Aaron
"Daryll cibai, what's that poking up against my ass....hmm..if both of ur hands are up in the air...then.....chaonengnengcibaiyoulaksadeweidaode!"- Brendan (I think.)
"Ohh no...I think it came out.. @.@" -Doesnt need any further explanations.

'The 16th Annual Pokemon Battle of the Best Pokemon Trainer ever!'

Picture 1

Question: How many of the 6 men in the picture are real men.
Answer: 5
Homework: Which one is the fraud?

Picture 2

Question: Is there any difference in Wendy when compared to Picture 1?
Answer: Yes.
Homework: Identify the difference.
Notes: Go to an optician if u get this wrong.

Question: When being shown this picture, what movie will it remind you of? Circle the best possible answer.
A) The Last Samurai
B) Ratatouile
C) Bay Watch the Movie
D) BrokeBack Mountain
E)Brokeback Mountain the Musical: Fun day at the beach.

Yeah boii what chu looking at

Yeah man. I know. *winks. 100% man power. You know what they say, once u go Howven you never go back.

"What the fuck was that all about..."
"Just shut up and smile."


1 comment:

Masterofword said...

Oh Man, what happenned with that guy at the first photo? did he try to look funny? lol!